Thursday, December 31, 2009

Demons in Theory & Practice

As a segway into this topic, allow me to disclaim that what I am about to may very well blow your mind with its implications. You may dismiss me outright, call me a liar, & a few other choice expletives, or you may even say, "...that's nothing, you just figured that out?..." Whatever your response, all I ask is that you have a response after considering what I've written; the worst insult you can do me is apathy.

Demons have been many things to many people for thousands of years. To some, they were gods, teachers, guardians, & advisers; to others, they are adversaries, corruptors, oppressors, & destroyers. Your background will greatly color your opinion. Coming from a background of any of the judeo/xtian/mohammaden religions, your outlook will likely have a negative connotation; this is not to say that you hold demons in an unflattering light, it merely means that your choice in allying yourself with them came out of dissatisfaction with what the other side was selling &/or curiosity about whether all they preached was true. Further, you may have been enchanted with the idea that demons could provide for you all those things that the other side denied you: money, sex, vengeance, destruction of your enemies, etc.

No matter what your motivations for embarking on this path or the motivations of those that have come before, the fact remains that as a whole, demons have always represented the other side of human experience; the non-physical reality religion & spirituality is supposed to guide us to or what it pleases me to call the "nyghtside".

In our physical lives, we deal with the mundane tasks of the physical world: caring for the needs of the physical body, dealing with the demands put on us as we provide for those needs such as work, school to prepare us for work, etc. We also (most of us anyway) also engage in social interactions on a physical (or virtual) level as humans are social creatures on a fundamental level & are hardwired to seek the companionship of others of the species. One is able to overcome this instinctual conditioning, but the desire to interact on some level remains. This physical world most of us spend the majority of our time & energy on is what it pleases me to call the "dayside".

The fact that I separate the two aspects of experience does not mean that they are separate in any way. The dayside & the nyghtside feed into one another & , like our bodies & our spirits, we are inextricably linked. Both exist as an outpouring of the other: the non-physical being the potential realized in the forms of the physical One is not better than the other, & in fact, each loses its potency & eventually withers without the other. The imbalance caused by the focus on the physical & denial of the non-physical brings me to the point of this writing.

Humans create their gods to explain what cannot be explained. THe more humans agree that a certain god exists, the more real that god becomes & the more power it & its followers have. In most cases, demons when viewed in a negative context are those beings that were the "gods" of a previous group that have been replaced by a different god that views them as negative.

Confusing?Not really when you think about it; which brings me to my next point: where does the power come from? It is an undeniable fact that energy exists; science has more than proved that. What science has also proven is that energy responds to will. Quantum physics has proven that "matter", which is energy that moves slow enough to appear as "solid", responds to the expectations of the observer on a sub-atomic level. If we take this a step further, we can easily decide that energy is pure potential until given form by will.

The Universe & everything in it are composed of potential energy & energy given form . Form is created & once that form becomes obsolete, it is reabsorbed into the well of potential once again. Your next question may be: if energy is manipulated by will, then what "will" created the Universe?

That is a question for which you may draw your own conclusions, but let us assume for the purposes of this writing that such a will exists.

So, as we have on a universal scale, we also have on a terrestrial, societal, & personal level. This universal energy permeates everything & is, in fact, everything. With every decision we make, we minutely create new forms & bring new possibilities into existence. You may ask why we can't just will our innermost desires into existence; the answer is, you can, but you need to know the method & also get past what is called the consensus reality.

As happens in most facets of life, the majority generally gets what it wants. Might is right after all in the case of reality engineering, the more wills united in agreement, the more "real" their reality becomes. The ones who hold the power in the physical are the ones who control what the consensus believes to be real.

So what does any of this have to do with demons you’re probably asking right about now. I was just getting to that. On a psychological level, what happens to all those unfulfilled desires, unexpressed emotions, & generally anything that is found unacceptable or improbable by the majority? You need to remember that all those expressions of will even though never actualized in the physical have form in the non-physical. The conscious mind has an incredible means for protecting its “sanity” & the consensus reality that reinforces its dominance; that means is repression. Instead of dealing with all these “anomalies”, the conscious mind selectively “forgets” them & shoves them “under the rug”, so to speak, in the subconscious mind. Just because they are “forgotten” does not mean they cease to exist despite what the conscious mind would like to believe; they collect in the subconscious & comprise what is known in Jungian psychology as the “shadow”. The shadow represents all those things our conscious mind doesn’t want to deal with, but unfortunately, just as you can only shove so much under a rug before you have a bulge in the rug you can no longer ignore, eventually the shadow hits critical mass & forces us to face what we have tried to escape. This may take the form of a physical illness or a psychological breakdown; if left unchecked, it can even lead to death.

So, what happens when enough personal shadows hit critical mass collectively? Total chaos. What is the defense mechanism of the consensus? The same as the conscious mind. It shoves what doesn’t fit back to the non-physical where it takes on a life & form of its own. This is the origin of demons.

You may say that I’m contradicting myself due to the fact I made the statement that demons were the gods of the previous group in power. Indeed, but do you think those gods simply evaporate into a puff of smoke? The same process happens when something becomes “demonized”. It gets shoved to the nyghtside where it continues its existence in a form no longer dictated by the consensus.

The current regime believes in science & rationality; the physical is all there is & while lip service is paid to some kind of spiritual life, for the most part, the watchwords of the current consensus are, “...if I can’t see it or prove it by physical science, it doesn’t exist...”

This denial of the non-physical has created a huge imbalance & is causing the nyghtside to reach critical mass & bleed over into the physical. Look at the current state of the world as evidence for this hypothesis. What the consensus refuses to realize is that the nyghtside is necessary to bring new possibilities to the dayside & to re-energize it. The dayside will slowly wither & die & without its guiding will, the nyghtside will consume everything & we’re back where we started when the universe first came into being.

To fully realize our potential, we need to meet our demons face to face for they hold our power, while we hold the will to direct it. Our demons are our link to those Powers which exist in the nyghtside & have achieved an independent existence like Satan, Lucifer, Baalzebub, etc. All those Powers are there & all of them are facets of the Master wh is the nyghtside personified.

Many of you pray to these forces as gods. Many of you abase yourselves before them, but I tell you to have no other gods before yourself. The Demons will help you realize your potential & your power. There is a danger in this because many of these things you thought impossible are only such due to your own limited perception. The Demons do not care what you are ready for; if you contact them, they will give you what you want, whether you like it or not. It’s the ultimate game of sink or swim; you either become or you are consumed by your own shortcomings.

Don’t get me wrong, the Master does care about you, but if you can’t keep up, he’ll leave you in the dust. It’s his nature. He’ll wait for you to pick yourself up & then ask you if you learned anything from the experience. If not, he’ll leave you standing there cursing his name. If you have, the path will become apparent.

You reach the Demons through yourself. You need to face what you don’t want to face, accept & become one with it. This is the only way. All the words & ceremonies, accouterments & incense are good for nothing but to put you into the right frame of mind. It is for this reason that your personal choices for these things will always be more effective as will your own sigils & incantations. Your goal is to connect with your demon & through your demon, connect with the nyghtside & those beings that exist there. Sigils are the written language of the nyghtside & are the key to connection in the early stages of your development; as you tune more fully into the nyghtside, the less need you will have for anything beyond your own will & then you will truly be master of your own reality.

© 2009 Daera' La' Iyath All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. I think that this post hits the nail on the head as far as showing us the way and why things happen. It is much easier for we, as a society, to just not deal with the things that matter in the non physical, so we tend to focus on the things that are physical. The things we can see, hear, touch, taste and smell. The problem is, that most people don't realize that you need those senses in the nyghtside too...which is why your post makes some very valid and good points. Thanks so much for sharing.
